Sunday 21 October 2012

Its been an exciting week for a yarn addict

Its been a very exciting week! Spin A Yarn was visited by Vivian and Ozzie from Arctic Qiviut, Alaska on Tuesday afternoon with all their precious goodies from North of the Arctic Circle.

My finger twitched when I received an email from Vivian a few months back asking whether any shops were interested in seeing and touching qiviut, the precious yarn spun from the Musk Ox of the Arctic.
Well a yarn addict like me could hardly say no!
 I invited expert lace knitting customers, Anniken Allis and Jane Sowerby over to the shop for some advice but really I just went completely to pieces. Qiviut is so beautiful - soft and light as a fluffy cloud I couldn't think straight and just had to buy some.

 For the shop I said, but actually the precious goodies have been hidden in the stockroom and I'm not sure if I can bare to put them out for sale. First, we have to find a special cupboard as qiviut is the most expensive yarn in the world.
I didn't buy many skeins of 100% qiviut but chose lots with silk, baby alpaca and cashmere added.

I found these photos of the Musk Ox.  Don't you thionk that he is quite magnificent?

I also have a couple of photos of the yarn itself and Vivian and Ozzie. Unfortunately my dreadful computer skills have let me down again and I cannot get the photos to appear on this blog.
I'll have to find a techie friend to help me tomorrow.

The other excitement this week was the arrivel of a huge box of Rowan samples on their way from Ally Pally Knitting Show home to Holmefirth via Bovey Tracey. We've all had a wonderful time indulging ourselves trying everything on and deciding what we really have to knit.

Our 5th Fashion Show takes place on Thursday evening at the Devon Guild of Craftsmen with Martin Storey and Alison Crowther Smith.We can't wait!! But more news soon.

Joyce x


  1. Wow..thats great. I always wish to visit Alaska and feel chill. No worry, i will try to go next time.
    Knitting Wool

    1. Stranded in Jersey I just spotted this comment!
      Where do you live Sharma?
